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Offizielle Webseite
ifolor.chIFolor AG is an international service provider from Switzerland for personalized photoproducts. You can choose between photobooks in a wide variety of sizes and print quality, so that everyone should get their money’s worth. Of course the printing of normal photos, as well as personalized photo-postcards and postcards are also possible. If you are looking for something bigger, you have the choice between printing on canvas, acrylic glass, aluminum dibond, photoposter and wall-mounted display. If you like it extravagant, choose the Gallery Print. If you’re still looking for a funny gift, you can easily choose from a range of photo gifts, such as mugs, puzzle, mouse pad, etc.
The company Ifolor is an international online service provider for completely personalized photoproducts for everyone. The offer is huge, because customers can choose from the products of the photo, photo books, photo calendars, photo cards, photos, digital photos and many different gifts with printed photos.
The quality of Ifolor has always been proven in tests, the many awards as a test winner can be found on the website at, which is why Ifolor can give its customers an absolute satisfaction guarantee.
More than 50 years of experience
Ifolor AG was founded more than 50 years ago, more precisely, in 1961 as Kreuzlingen AG. Even then one, as one of the first photographers, had the convincing idea of ââa photo service, which delivers directly home. This idea was also quickly implemented, since since 1968 the company has been supplying successfully developed photos of its customers and sending them directly to their home.
It was quickly possible to gain market leadership in Switzerland and to expand this further with the acquisition of Fotolabo Club SA. Ifolor AG continued to grow and expand in other parts of Europe, which was mainly due to a further acquisition of a Finnish company.
The customer base in Germany was also taken over by Fotolabo GmbH. As a result, iFolor is represented in all countries by the name of Ifolor and is a single brand, which means that competitiveness can be further increased. Ifolor AG is committed to the goal of always having enthusiastic customers and doing everything possible.
Who has ever ordered at Ifolor will have noticed that there are unbelievably many possibilities to print his favorite photos on paper or other products.
Customers who order a large number of products from Ifolor have the opportunity to participate in the Ifolor loyalty bonus program and benefit from each additional order. The entire annual turnover, which was ordered via the website of Ifolor, is summed and then 5% of the ifolor coupon code will be sent to customers in the following year. There is no minimum order value and the voucher is sent by e-mail.
There is even an app with which you can easily develop your photos by smartphone or tablet at any time and anywhere and can be sent.
Again and again there are new discounts and promotions, which is why the online appearance is always worth a visit. So, at the moment, there are 20% introductory discounts on premium photobooks and 10% on all other photobooks.
Wie Sie lesen konnten ist es bei ifolor möglich, alle Produkte auch ĂŒber eine spezielle App zu bestellen. Dies ist praktisch um ĂŒberall und jederzeit ihre Fotoprodukte bearbeiten und bestellen zu können. Damit Sie nicht ohne Verbindung bleiben sollten Sie immer daran denken, ihr Ortel mobile aufladen zu lassen. Oder Sie nutzen Ihr Kundenkonto um bei Salt mobile aufladen zu können. Wenn Sie Ihr Datenvolumen nicht aufladen können Sie Internet oder auch die ifolor App nur benutzen, wenn Sie W-Lan zur VerfĂŒgung haben. Genauso leicht wie Sie Datenvolumen aufladen können ist es auch möglich, neue GesprĂ€chsminuten zu bestellen.
Auf dieser Seite haben wir eine komplette Sammlung von Ifolor gutscheincode, Promotions-Codes fĂŒr Ifolor, und natĂŒrlich Coupon-Codes, Gutschein-Codes und alle Angebote. Jeder Newsletter wird von uns auf Rabatte geprĂŒft und wir stehen in direktem Kontakt mit hunderten von Webshops. Wir haben jetzt die Ifolor gutscheincode fĂŒr MĂ€rz 2025 online und bald auch alle Ifolor gutscheincode fĂŒr April.
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